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4 Anger Management Techniques to Help You Calm Down

man clenches fist and considers anger management techniques

Anger is a natural emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. In most cases, the anger does not last for more than a few minutes, but some people can experience intense anger that they have little control over. There are several anger management techniques available to help men and women whose anger is causing major disruptions to their personal and professional lives. These techniques include holistic methods that help people stop angry outbursts from harming relationships or causing further complications in their daily lives.

At Gemini Recovery, we welcome individuals who are struggling to control their anger due to past traumas, substance abuse, or other mental health disorders. Our team uses a mix of behavioral and holistic therapies to treat out-of-control emotions and reintroduce people to the power within them to make real change. Each of our outpatient treatment programs includes group and private therapy sessions in a discreet and encouraging environment that gives clients the skills and confidence to control their emotions. For more information about our anger management program in PA, call 888.341.2524 today to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members.

What Is Anger Management?

Anger is a natural emotion that everyone feels when a person or situation upsets them. Your partner forgets to pick up dinner. A sibling constantly “borrows” your things without asking. You get into an argument with a friend, co-worker, or boss. All of these things seem minor, but some people will experience a rush of anger that they cannot control.

Anger management is a therapeutic program that helps individuals recognize their triggers and develop new healthy coping skills for managing their anger. Anger can result from a number of situations, like financial troubles, relationship issues, grief, and a build-up of stress. In some cases, anger is a symptom of several mental health disorders, such as:

  • Depression
  • Substance use disorders
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • ADHD
  • Oppositional defiant disorder
  • Intermittent explosive disorder

At GRC, we support those whose emotions are out of control and causing serious problems in their day-to-day lives. Our anger management techniques include behavioral and holistic therapies along with medical support to ease severe symptoms or withdrawals and cravings from substance abuse.

4 Anger Management Techniques

Unresolved anger can affect your personal and professional life. It can harm relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, decrease your chances of advancing at work, and severely limit your social circles. Fortunately, there are several techniques that you can use at home or the office to calm you down.

Here are four anger management techniques that you can use to help reduce angry feelings and emotions:

  1. Know your triggers – One of the best ways to stop your anger from consuming you is to recognize the people or situations that cause you the most anger. Once you can identify your triggers, you can begin developing techniques for managing your anger and preventing an outburst. A behavioral therapist can help you identify potential triggers.
  2. Deep breathing exercises – This technique is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and anger in the heat of the moment. Slow, methodical breathing can decrease blood pressure and rapid heart rates, ease muscle tension, and improve focus and communication. It allows you to calmly respond to the situation instead of making it worse.
  3. Stop and listen – When we are angry, it can be easy to say the wrong thing and make things worse. As you begin to feel anger, it is important to stop, take a deep breath, and actively listen to what the other person is saying. Taking your time to respond instead of just blurting out the first thing that comes into your head can defuse the situation and help everyone calm down.
  4. Meditation – A quick, five-minute meditation break is a great technique for reducing anger, slowing racing thoughts, and focusing on the present moment. If you are at work and feel yourself getting angry, find a quiet space to sit or go for a walk and listen to meditative music or repeat a personal mantra. This will give you time to calm down and focus on what needs to be done.

Finding the right anger management techniques that work for you can take time. The best way to develop new ways to control your anger is by talking with an experienced therapist who can help you develop new techniques for controlling your anger.

Enroll in Effective Anger Management in PA at Gemini Recovery

What is anger management, and how can it help you? At GRC, we will discuss all aspects of our anger management programs and how they can benefit your overall health and well-being. We tailor our programs around each person’s unique symptoms and personal experiences so that we can develop a more effective treatment program.

Today is the perfect day to start getting control of your anger. Reach out at 888.341.2524 or contact us online today to schedule a tour and meet our dedicated team.