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What Is Group Therapy?

people in a circle talk about what is group therapy

In the battle against addiction, one of the most effective kinds of therapy is group therapy. Being in the company of peers that are going through the same challenges helps alleviate the feelings of isolation and shame that are often experienced in addiction recovery. Group therapy in PA is typically offered by quality addiction treatment centers such as Gemini Recovery.

Gemini Recovery in Pennsylvania offers group therapy and other effective therapies as part of our addiction treatment programs. Our compassionate team of addiction specialists works closely with our clients through our partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs in order to give each client the best chance at successful and life-long recovery. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact us at 888.341.2524 to learn more about how we can help.

What Is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a kind of psychotherapy in which a therapist leads a group of people in a discussion on a mental health or substance abuse topic. The number of members in the group typically varies depending on the type of group therapy. The common types of group therapies in addiction treatment include:

  • Psychoeducational groups are where members learn about substance abuse and mental health issues. These groups are mainly for informative purposes and can be larger than other therapy groups.
  • Interpersonal process groups discuss the members’ issues in order to hear reactions and potential solutions from their peers. Through this group dynamic, members can improve their relationship and communication skills.
  • Skills development groups teach members relapse-prevention skills that they can use in their daily life. They can improve their anger and stress management and learn how to cope with their triggers and cravings.
  • Problem-solving groups aim to help members recognize relational and thinking patterns that contribute to their self-destructive behavior. They are then taught to set goals and develop problem-solving skills in order to avoid relapsing into substance abuse.
  • Support groups are focused on maintaining sobriety in day-to-day life. This kind of group offers peer support and a sense of accountability.

At its core, group therapy aims to provide a safe place for people struggling with addiction to be vulnerable. It is an important component of addiction treatment that improves interpersonal and communication skills, allowing members to better work through their problems.

How Does a Group Therapy Program Help with Addiction Treatment?

There are many benefits to incorporating group therapy into an addiction treatment program, which is why it is a staple offered by most quality facilities. A few of these benefits are:

  • Group therapy provides more treatment hours at a fraction of the cost of individual therapy.
  • Clients struggling with substance abuse feel less isolated and ashamed when they participate in group therapy with peers that have similar experiences. This results in increased openness, which contributes to increased efficacy of therapy.
  • Members in group therapy feel more connected to others, which can lessen feelings of anxiety and depression and can give clients a sense of purpose. This can relieve stress and lessen the risk of relapse. This can also motivate members to focus on their recovery as they are working on it with the other members of the group.
  • Group therapy fosters a feeling of accountability to the rest of the members of the group, encouraging the development of positive habits such as punctuality and respect for the group’s rules. Attending regular sessions can also give a sense of structure, which is essential for those in early recovery.
  • Through communication with peers via sharing and receiving feedback, members of group therapy improve their listening, learn clearer communication, and sharpen their empathy skills.
  • Watching other members of the group successfully maintain their sobriety can give the other members a sense of hope.

Through observing the interactions in group therapy, the therapist can gain valuable insight into how a client relates to other people from various backgrounds. This information can then help the therapist improve upon the client’s treatment and therapy plans in order to increase the chances of success.

Get Group Therapy in PA From Gemini Recovery

At Gemini Recovery, we believe that people struggling with addiction can lead sober, fruitful lives with the correct support and guidance. Our friendly team of experts is ready to provide exceptional care that promotes successful, genuine recovery for our clients. Contact us at 888.341.2524 or reach out online today to learn more about what we can offer.