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What Are the Dangers of Opiate Withdrawal?

Man experiencing the dangers of opiate withdrawal

Opiate abuse has become a serious problem worldwide. What begins as a prescription for pain can turn into a full-blown addiction, leading individuals down a dangerous and life-threatening road. One of the most dangerous aspects of opioid addiction is the withdrawal process. When an individual tries to quit using, they face an array of symptoms that can be both physically and mentally taxing. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the dangers of opiate withdrawal and why it’s essential to seek help from a professional treatment center. To learn more about opiate addiction treatment, call us today at 888.341.2524.

Why Have Opiates Become Such a Problem?

Opiates are highly addictive prescription painkillers. They work by blocking pain signals in the brain. When used correctly, they can be effective in treating pain. However, they also produce an intense, euphoric high making them highly sought after.

In the last decade, the number of opioid prescriptions handed out has skyrocketed. This overprescribing has led more individuals to become addicted to these medications accidentally. Moreover, many users eventually turn to illegal drugs such as heroin as their tolerance builds.

Going From Opiate Use to Opiate Abuse

Misusing opioids can happen quickly, leading to addiction within just a few weeks. When the drug is used repeatedly or at a high dose, it’s easy to build tolerance, meaning the same dosage produces less effect.

This leads users to take more substantial amounts of the drug or use it more frequently, slowly developing an addiction. It’s important to note that addiction is not a lack of self-control or a moral failure. It’s a disease, and it needs to be treated as such.

What Are the Dangers of Opiate Withdrawal?

When an individual’s body becomes addicted to opiates, trying to stop using can lead to an array of withdrawal symptoms. Opiate withdrawal is an intense, uncomfortable experience, both physically and mentally. Physical symptoms include:

  • Body aches
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Chills

Mental symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression can be even more challenging to manage. In severe cases, withdrawal can lead to seizures and death. Trying to quit opiates cold turkey is exceptionally dangerous and can be deadly; thus, it’s advisable to seek professional help immediately.

What Is Opiate Addiction Treatment?

Opiate addiction treatment can involve a variety of therapies. The most effective treatments typically involve a combination of medication-assisted therapy and behavioral therapy. Medications such as Methadone, Suboxone, and Naltrexone are used to ease withdrawal symptoms and manage cravings.

Behavioral therapies focus on coping mechanisms to manage cravings and prevent relapse. Treatment varies depending on the individual and should always be tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

Therapies Used in Opiate Addiction Treatment

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Focuses on modifying negative habits and thoughts into positive and constructive ones.

Group Therapy

Provides emotional support and encouragement from others in similar situations.

Family Therapy

Helps individuals and family members better understand their role in the addiction and how to best support each other.

Holistic Therapy

Offers non-traditional treatment options such as yoga, acupuncture, and meditation to promote overall wellness.

Motivational Interviewing

Encourages individuals to think about their future goals and motivations for recovery.

Get Help Today From Gemini Recovery

At Gemini Recovery, we provide individualized treatment options crafted to suit the patient’s unique needs. Our team of professionals is passionate about helping our patients achieve lifelong sobriety. With evidence-based therapies and a focus on the entire person, we help our patients manage withdrawal symptoms and thrive in sobriety.

Seeking professional help is crucial in managing withdrawal symptoms and staying committed to lifelong sobriety. Gemini Recovery provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to manage withdrawal symptoms and start their recovery journey. Remember, you don’t have to face addiction alone. Help is available, and recovery is possible. Call us today at 888.341.2524 or use the Gemini Recovery online contact form and start your journey to recovery.